Aircraft Service
International Group

ART was retained as a consultant for the preparation of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for numerous sites across the country. This client is the largest commercial aircraft fueling operation in the world and has facilities at nearly every large airport. In addition to preparing SPCC’s, ART prepared Facility Response Plans (FRP) and Integrated Contingency Plans (ICP) for the facility with over 1million gallons of storage capacity.

In developing FRP’s and ICP’s ART utilized ArcGIS for the evaluation of release scenarios and developed response stages for worst case releases. ArcView was utilized to determine DTM coupled with aerial photographs for the slope and pathway of the release. Additionally, access points for the specific drainages were determined as well.

Developing FRP’s and ICP’s requires determination of sensitive receptors that may be affected in the event of the worst case spill event. Utilizing ArcView and collecting environmental information (wetlands, surface water bodies, etc.), demographic information (schools, hospitals, residential developments), as well as sensitive infrastructure data (water intake structures, domestic wells, water treatment plants, etc.) ART evaluated identified response time and time to potential impact in the event of worst case release.

The SPCC, FRP’s and ICP’s must comply with both state and federal regulations in development of the plans. Many of the sites require coordination with state and federal response agency’s and the U.S. Coast Guard.

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